Terms & Conditions

Description of AI Reviver and its services:

AI Reviver is at the forefront of transforming AI-generated content into captivating narratives that resonate with readers. Our meticulous rewriting services are designed to infuse depth, precision, and a personalized touch into your articles, transcending the typical constraints of AI-authored text. Additionally, we embed crucial SEO elements to ensure your content not only reads well but also ranks well in search engine results.

Our services transcend textual enhancement; we also offer seamless uploading of the refined content directly to your website, alleviating the administrative burden from your shoulders. Furthermore, we present subscription-based content creation packages orchestrated by a skilled cadre of writers who are adept at tailoring content that aligns with your brand’s voice and objectives.

Engage with AI Reviver to elevate your content strategy, amplify your online presence, and foster a genuine connection with your audience. Our holistic approach to content revitalization and creation is the cornerstone of fostering enhanced engagement and driving tangible results for your digital endeavor.

User Obligations

Accurate Provision of Information:

It is imperative that users provide precise and comprehensive information when engaging with our services. This includes, but is not limited to, accurate contact details, website credentials (if required for blog upload services), and clear descriptions of the desired services.

Any alterations or updates to the provided information should be promptly communicated to AI Reviver to ensure seamless service delivery.

Adherence to Applicable Laws and Platform Guidelines:

Users are obliged to comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and any guidelines as set forth by AI Reviver whilst utilising our services. This adherence extends to laws governing copyright and intellectual property rights, ensuring that the content provided for rewriting or enhancement does not infringe upon the rights of third parties.

Furthermore, users are expected to adhere to any platform guidelines and policies as communicated by AI Reviver. This includes respectful communication with our team, providing timely feedback when necessary, and adhering to the agreed-upon terms of service, including payment terms.

Any actions that contravene these laws or guidelines may result in the termination of the service agreement and may subject the user to legal action.

Billing, Renewals, and Cancellations

Billing Cycle: Billing occurs on a monthly basis, with each billing cycle commencing on the first day of the subscription month.

Automatic Renewals: All subscription packages are set to renew automatically to ensure uninterrupted service.

Cancellations: Subscribers may cancel their subscription at any time through the account section on our website. Upon cancellation, no further funds will be taken out, and the subscription will not renew for the following month. Please note that cancellations must be made at least three (3) days before the end of the current subscription month to avoid being charged for the next month.

Refunds: Refunds for cancellations are not provided part-way through a billing cycle. We encourage subscribers to cancel their subscription at least three (3) days before the end of the current subscription month if they do not wish to continue with the service.

Account Reactivation: Should a subscriber wish to reactivate a cancelled subscription, they may do so through the account section on our website. Reactivation will commence from the first day of the month following reactivation, and the subscriber’s chosen payment method will be charged accordingly.

Intellectual Property

Ownership of Rewritten Content:

The client shall retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the original content submitted to AI Reviver. Upon completion of the rewriting process, the enhancements, amendments or any additional content created by AI Reviver shall be the property of AI Reviver, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. This delineation aims to protect the respective contributions and rights of both the client and AI Reviver while fostering a transparent working relationship.

Licence Grants:

The client hereby grants AI Reviver a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable licence to access, use, modify, reproduce, and upload the original and rewritten content solely for the purpose of providing the requested services. This licence extends to any actions necessary for the fulfilment of the services including, but not limited to, SEO enhancement, content uploading to specified platforms, and any other functions expressly directed by the client.

This licence will remain in effect for the duration of the engagement and will terminate upon the conclusion of the service provision or upon written notice of termination from the client, whichever occurs first. The termination of this licence shall not affect any rights or obligations accrued prior to termination.

AI Reviver is committed to respecting and preserving the intellectual property rights of the client and assures that no proprietary information will be shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of the client, barring legal obligations or court orders requiring disclosure.

The client also affirms that they possess the necessary rights and permissions to grant this licence to AI Reviver and that the original content and its use as envisaged herein does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of third parties.


AI Reviver reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate or suspend user accounts and cease the provision of services, in whole or in part, without notice, for any or no reason, including without limitation, any violation of these Terms and Conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, instances where AI Reviver believes the user’s conduct is harmful to the interests of AI Reviver or its other users, or as otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions.

Instances of Termination:

Breach of Terms: Any breach of the terms laid out in this agreement, including failure to adhere to guidelines or misuse of service, may result in termination of the user’s account and cessation of services.

Illegal Activity: Engagement in illegal activities or any other activities that may cause harm to AI Reviver or its users will be grounds for account termination.
Non-payment: Failure to make due payments for the services provided by AI Reviver, as per the stipulated payment terms, may lead to termination of the user’s account.

Process of Termination

Notification: Where possible, AI Reviver will endeavour to provide a notification of termination or suspension, along with the reason for such action, to the user through the email address associated with their account. However, AI Reviver is not obliged to provide such notification and may take action as deemed necessary.
Account Access: Upon termination or suspension, the user’s right to access their account and utilise AI Reviver’s services will cease immediately.
Content Retrieval: It’s the user’s responsibility to ensure that they have saved or exported any content posted to AI Reviver prior to termination, as AI Reviver may not retain or provide access to such content post-termination.

Consequences of Termination

Service Access: Post-termination, the user will lose access to AI Reviver’s services, and any content or data associated with their account.
No Refund: No refunds will be provided for any unused services or subscriptions upon termination due to a breach of these terms.


Users may appeal a termination or suspension by contacting AI Reviver’s support through the designated channels. The appeal will be reviewed at AI Reviver’s discretion, and the decision on the appeal will be final.


Governing Law:

These terms and conditions, including the formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects whatsoever of these terms and conditions or of any term of these terms and conditions, will be governed by the law of England and Wales.

Dispute Resolution:

Should any dispute arise out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, including any question regarding their existence, validity or termination, the parties shall endeavour to settle such dispute amicably through mutual discussions.

In the event that a resolution is not reached through discussions, it is agreed that the dispute shall then be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA Rules, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be London, United Kingdom. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.

The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties, and the prevailing party in the arbitration may seek to have the award enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction.